
Call of the Wild

There's no question that I live for food. If food was taken away from me, I would seriously reconsider living. What about your significant other, you say. Food is my significant other (no offense, B). It is the reason I breathe, the reason I get out of bed in the morning, the reason I live. And this meal, is what I dream of.

No, not this salad, however yummy and oriental.
No, not this drink which deceives you into thinking it's beer (it's rootbeer, mom, chill out)
THIS. All you can eat, freshly caught off the shore, dungeness crab. Where's my portion? I ATE IT ALL before everyone else could pick up theirs and I'm impatiently waiting for the server to bring me my next victim.
Homemade daily, topped with a sauce made from wild Alaskan blueberries. Yet it still wasn't the best part.

That is one happy girl. And if she could, she would throw it all up so she could fill her stomach with juicy bites of buttery crab all over again.

I don't wanna brag, but crabs scuttled for their lives away from us for weeks.

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